Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer's in full swing at the Hilt's!

Time has swiftly passed since my last entry. Summer is in full swing. Let's see... We have had a visit from Stephanie...she was here for 10 days. It was a nice visit and hope she gets to come again soon.

Robin is in Charlottesville grading CPA exams and we will be seeing her tomorrow and Wednesday then have her here over the weekend. That will be so nice. Now that they have moved to Texas, visits will be less I imagine.

Our friend Sharon from Ohio and her granddaughter Peyton will be coming for a visit and we are looking forward to their visit also.

Then comes our Mission Trip to Choctaw, MS, where we will be working with the Native Americans. Roger and I are getting excited about that. We will be working on the homes doing repairs, holding a Adult Bible Study and a mini VBS for the children. We will also prepare a meal for them and they will prepare a meal for us. We are hoping to purchase school clothes for the children before we return. This is a very impoverished area and we hope to help by our visit.

Then in September our friends the Spoon's and we have rented a cottage at Holden Beach for a week.

In October Roger and I will go somewhere by ourselver for a week. We haven't figured our for sure where yet. We are still discussing that. So there you have it. That is what we have been up to lately. We would love to hear from you and know what you are doing this summer.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks like you are very busy this summer. Wish we could get together with Robin but Denise and family are arriving on Saturday. Let me ask you a question, how did you do so much stuff while continuing to work? Have fun.

  3. Wow, you guys are going to have a great time. Lots of adventures in the works.

  4. Helen, I honestly don't know how I did! Retirement is wonderful, but who said you slow down then? Yeah right! I don't know when that happens.

  5. WOW you are busy. You didn't invite us to Holden beach? Oh well you are really busy but that is good-- enjoy life...LY
