Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"We're Off"

Saturday, July 12, 2008 We are going to Elkins WV for a special weekend for Roger. He loves trains and I am surprising him with a “little get away after his looong hard weeks of work non stop”! He knows about some of this but not all of it! I tried to get reservations at a Bed and Breakfast but they were booked due to the festival there but found a brand new Hampton Inn with rooms...whew!

We are staying Saturday evening at Hampton Inn, Elkins WV
673 Glenmore Loop Rd
(304) 630-7500

We will be going to American Mountain Theater show that evening at 7:30PM

Then we will go on a Parlor Car Sunday Brunch 7 hr. Train Ride - deluxe Pullman Palace car features an all-you-care-to-eat brunch buffet and includes a special dessert spread set up on the return trip. Seating is in Cushioned Arm Chairs and this car features excellent viewing opportunities from the rear of the train.

If you are interested in this type of trip here are a few of the websites you can check out:

Then we back on Sunday evening! I hope Roger enjoys a bit of relaxation and well deserved rest! The 4th of July "work rush" behind him. However he has lots of loose ends to tie up at work as usual, but the worst is behind him now! Hopefully, this will be the last! You never know! (If he decides to retire!) LOL Have a great weekend, I know we will. Love & Hugs to all!

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