Friday, May 30, 2008

We have finally planted a small garden!

Well between the rain drops, Roger has managed to plant a small garden. There are a few tomato plants, and green peppers planted, and a couple cucumber. We are hoping for a bit of sunshine, and praying the rabbits don't eat them all up. With any luck we may have a few to eat in a couple months! (That is if we don't get any hail or droughts.)

Lee is in Nashville right now taking some classes and Tara is managing on her own. Trinity only has a couple more days of school. Kristy has started a job & her children will be out of school a few days after Trinity gets out here.

Sue's brother Bob and his wife Robin will be stopping in for an overnite visit the end of June. After that Roger starts his busy season of plant shut downs and inspections. Then maybe things will quiet down a bit in our household. We never know! There never seems to be a dull moment. Sue's back seems to be improving these days and we are hoping her sudden drop in blood pressure straightens out soon. Take care and we hope everyone is enjoying this weather.

1 comment:

  1. We have had a garden for the last couple of years. It is so nice to get your veggies from your own yard. We had great success with yellow squash and green beans. I would like to plant one now that we are in Mi, but we have rabbits, too. I'm not so sure how it will do with the animals.
