Friday, September 19, 2008

We are off!

Well we made it. Today after work we will head out! There have been a few bumps in the road, but we are all packed & will leave when ever we get home. Sue had her routine blood work done Wednesday morning. Yesterday she got a call at work from her doctor. The call went like this. "Mrs. Hilt, this is Dr....., can you leave on your lunch hour?" Sue's response was, "I don't get a lunch hour, however I can leave if necessary." To that the Dr. said,"I want you to go to the pharmacy and pick a prescription." Sue said,"ok". Her Dr..."I am looking at your blood work results and your potassium level is dangerously low, I can not stress dangerously enough. You need to leave and go get this now and take one immediately, then another one this evening. I want you to come get paper work and have repeat blood work next week. How soon can you go get this prescripton?" Sue's response was, "as soon as it is filled". That was the jest of the conversation. Of course Sue immediately looked up on the computer what this could mean. That of course was scary. But, she is now taking the medicine...a humongus pill by the way! Also eating bananas, spinach etc. Of course she ok'd the fact she will be away and agreed to have blood work as soon as she got back. She has a check up also when she gets back that is why she had to blood work anyway.

Have to admit it was startling that the Dr called at work in the first place but with her words, "I can't stress dangerously, "enough" on top of that... it sure did add a bit more concern. Sue does feel fine other than being a bit more tired than usual. She contributes that to trying to get everything done before vacation. She and Roger are looking forward to a relaxing week for sure! We feel really blessed that right now there are no forcasts for hurricanes! So, we are off and ready to enjoy the sea air. Take care!


  1. Warning: Never look up any medical symptom/condition online! You will ALWAYS find the worst possibility and it usually isn't what you have.

    (Now, if I could just head my own warning, maybe I wouldn't always think I have a deadly disease :) )

    Take your medicine, eat your bananas and have a fabulous trip. I'm sure you are going to be fine.

  2. Sue, Have a very relaxing time in Holden Beach. I think your beach house looks very nice. Go swimming it is a great excersize ask Stephanie or Denise, Kim. Oh eat a handfull of nuts everyday and bananas. I am sure you will feel better. You know the blood test could be wrong get it double checked. I didn't relize that low potasium was that dangerious. Well have a safe and relaxing trip.

  3. Yipes! Sometimes I wonder if Doctors really understand how what they say will be taken. I hope that you have a great trip! I am sure everything will be ok. We are praying for you!
