Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We are on a countdown!

Well we are counting down to a vacation. We finally decided we are going to take a real vacation. We tried to take a week at home earlier this summer and it didn't quite work out the way we had planned. Roger has worked so many weeks without a day off and both Roger & Sue have had a lot of unexpected pressure at work lately. The decision was made to take their final week and go away. After weeks of looking and looking we were not able to decide where to go. We threw our hands in the air and said, we will just get in the car and see where we end up.

Then last week, Roger decided we are going to the beach. He rented a place at Holden Beach. Sue thought, ok...with all the hurricanes. But as it is, the forcast looks clear hurricane wise. So this Friday after work, we are starting out. Roger decided Sue does not need to drive all the way down in one day with her back. We are looking forward to a relaxing week at the beach. We plan just to kick back and relax. Sue is looking forward to reading and Roger is hoping to get his fishing pole wet. (of course from the shore, definately not from a boat! He gets sea sick)

In the meantime we are busy trying to get everything done. Sue trying to get all the work done at both churches ahead of time. She does all the work for while she is gone... all bulletins, and mailings prior to going so they have all they need while she is gone, and the housework and packing. Roger, all potential work that is scheduled and any preventative maintance, billing etc., and the grass mowing at the house. So, we are busy this week, but excited about getting away.

We hope everyone is enjoying this cooler weather and enjoying the beauty of God's blessings each and everyday. Please keep those trying to recover from the aftermath of the recent hurricanes in your prayers. The families that lost loved one and victims recovering from the Metrolink accident in California in your prayers. Our family knows what it is like to go though a horrific situation like this personally, the waiting and the not knowing, the after effects and the tremedous loss, and the years of recovery it takes. So, please keep these families in your prayers, that they will be wrapped in the love and comfort of the Lord, through their time of grief.

Remember, to do a simple act of kindness every day. Not only will it make a difference in the world and for the one you do it for, it will make your life so much richer. Love and hugs, Roger & Sue


  1. Have fun on your trip relax you deserve it.

  2. Have a great trip.

    Does not yelling at your child when they pour a milkshake on the carpet count as an act of service?

  3. Hope you have a great time. I am so glad I finially had a night to catch up and read blogs. I am so behind! I guess with my boyfriend headed back to Arizonia I will have alitle more time on my hands. Hope you are well and thanks for all your comments on my writtings.

  4. Have a relaxing trip. You both deserve it. Hope with a little relaxation your back problems will ease up.
