Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Well today is an historical day in our country. Either we will elect our first African American President or the first Female Vice President. It will be exciting to see how it turns out. I pray that whom ever is elected, will lead us well. Our country is certainly going through hard times right now. We need strong leadership and we need leaders that will prayerfully consider the majority of people in their decision making process.

The most important thing we can do is exercise our right to vote today. No matter who is your choice in this election, please make it be known by exercising your right to vote. Remember if you don't vote, you have no right to complain about the outcome!

I know no matter what the outcome, we will be praying for our leaders and asking for wisdom and guidance in all their functions as they serve our country.


  1. I agree. You can ask my Dad who he voted for now. He tricked it out of my mom :)

  2. Actually, I had no problem telling him who I voted for. I just said I wasn't going to tell him before he voted. He needed to make up his own mind, and not be influenced by other people.

  3. I totally agree Aunt Sue. Anna can't wait to meet you either (she has no idea what is going to happen in December). Hopefully the trip doesn't get too confusing to her, she has never even been to her own country!

    Oh, and Mom it was obvious who you were going to vote for, with the emails you have forwarded etc. You were making your political views known, the whole reason to discuss things is to think them out, everyone ultimately makes their own choice, but we are always influenced by someone, be it the candidates, the media or those around us!
