I went back for my follow up visit and met with the nurse practioner first. It was rather comical. I intended to give them heck about having two sets of discharge orders but I had so much fun with the nurse practioner that I ended up not doing it. I started off saying you need to be more clear on what you mean, these discharge orders are too confusing. She said what do you mean. I said on this one it said to call for a 2 week follow up and then on this one is says to call for a 6 week follow up. I called for the 2 week one and they acted like I was nuts and told me they would have the nurse call me. When she finally did, she told me the only way they have a 2 week follow us is if you have staples and she asked me if I had staples. To which I said, how would I know I can't see back there. We made a 6 week appointment and I told her I would ask the home health nurse to look and see. The nurse practioner said what do you mean two sets of discharge papers. I showed them to her. She said how did you get these? I said, I have no idea they were with my papers when I was discharged. She said this is from completely different Dr's from another practice. I said I have a private room and how would I get these if someone hadn't given them to me. I said well it also has Dr Young's name on it. She said that is because they are in the Harold Young Neurological Center. They aren't part of his practice.
I said oh, well I just did what was on both papers. Like on this paper it talked about driving and on Dr Youngs it didn't. So this one said when you were up and moving a good bit you could drive. So I have been. She said WHAT, you have been driving? Don't tell Dr. Young that if he doesn't mention it. I said then I don't suppose I should mention I have been going into work to catch up a bit. She said NO, he would have your head. I said he won't have my head, it wasn't my fault I had two sets of discharge papers!
Needless to say when Dr Young came in we discussed how I was doing and then discussed the fact I could start driving just a little bit. (I haven't driven since, I have been very good, taking it real easy). I asked about work. He told me I could start back to work on Dec. 1 but only for 3 hrs. a day. I told him I was going to retire. He was very pleased. He told me all I needed was to fall on the ice this winter. He told me it would be a good year before the bones fused and I was to be extreemly careful. I told him I would do my best.
The photo you see is one of two the nurse practioner gave me. This is a side view so you are seeing one half of the screws and posts put in. They also put cadaver bones in to fuse with mine. Roger tried to get the second one in but can't seem to be able to get more than one in. So that is where I am and I am being very good, now....hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
That is crazy about the two orders. At least they made the mistake then and not when you went in for the surgery!